Anaïs Chen

Violine & Konzertmeisterin

Anaïs Chen performs as a soloist, concert master, chamber musician in important venues and maintains a steady collaboration with Il Gusto Barocco Stuttgart (DE), La Lira d’Orfeo (IT) and In Echo (UK). Furthermore she has been invited by La Nuova Musica London (as concert master for four years), Gli Angeli Genève, Collegium Vocale Gent, Cantar Lontano, Freitagsakademie Bern, Il Giardino Armonico, Il Profondo Basel, Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin.

Her recordings are receiving enthusiastic reviews, her CD “Cercar la Voce” was nominated for “Deutscher Schallplattenpreis” and her recording of violin sonatas by François Francoeur with the trio Daimonion received a “Diapason d’Or”.

She studied the modern violin in Zurich and Detmold before turning to the baroque violin, gaining Master’s degrees at the Universität der Künste Berlin and at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis.

In 2007 Anaïs Chen won First Prize at the International Chambermusic Competition for Ancient Music Genova Nervi, 2008 she obtained the one year scholarship prize of the Dienemann-Stiftung Lucerne, in 2009 she received the “Aumann-Preis für innovative Interpretation und Neuentdeckungen” on the occasion of the International Biber-Competition St. Florian. Her duo formation L’Istante was elected “2010 promising young ensemble” during the International Young Artist’s Presentation in Antwerp, in 2011 she was awarded the Second Prize on the occasion of the Telemann Competition Magdeburg and with her Ensemble Daimonion she won First Prize and Special Prize at the International Competition Premio Bonporti Rovereto.

From 2010-2012 she was teaching Baroque Violin at the Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe and has given masterclasses at Hochschule der Künste Berlin, Hochschule für Musik Bremen, London Handel House, Scuola Civica di Milano.Anaïs Chen particularly enjoys presenting Early Music in contemporary contexts, as can be seen in her projects EntreTemps or Passagen, performances joining baroque music to contemporary dance on stage.